By James J. Mangraviti, Jr., Esq.

Expert witnesses may be interested in insuring themselves against malpractice claims related to their expert witness practices.  Expert witness liability insurers could help expert witnesses protect themselves from errors and omissions made while serving as an expert witness.

In July 2024, SEAK conducted a survey of almost 1,000 expert witnesses to inquire about if and how these expert witnesses insured themselves for errors and omissions (malpractice).

20 expert witness liability insurers were identified by our respondents:

  1. Acord
  2. Admiral Insurance
  3. Allied World Insurance
  4. Beazley
  5. Biberk
  6. CFC Underwriting
  7. Chubb Risk Control Services
  8. Cincinnati Insurance Company
  9. CNA
  10. Gemini Insurance
  11. Hanover Insurance Company
  12. Hiscox Insurance
  13. Lloyds of London
  14. MSMA Insurance
  15. ProAssurance
  16. RLI Insurance Company
  17. Southern Professional
  18. The Doctor’s Insurance Company
  19. The Hartford
  20. Travelers

Experts can consider exploring coverage through the above expert witness liability (malpractice) insurers.  According to the results of SEAK’s 2024 Expert Witness Liability Insurance Survey premiums were affordable and occurrence coverage from select expert witness malpractice insurers was also reported to be available.

About the Author

James J. Mangraviti, Jr., Esq., is a Principal of SEAK, IncThe Expert Witness Training Company and a thought leader on expert witnessing.  He is the co-author of SEAK, Inc.’s 2024 Expert Witness Liability Insurance Survey.  Jim co-founded SEAK’s National Directory of Expert Witnesses, the #1 rated expert witness directory.  He can be reached at 978-276-1234 or  For more information on SEAK, Inc. – The Expert Witness Training Company, visit

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