Learn How to Excel and Succeed as an Expert Witness
About Steve Babitsky
Steven Babitsky, Esq. is the founder of SEAK, Inc., the Expert Witness Training Company. He was a personal injury trial attorney for twenty years and is the former managing partner of the firm Kistin, Babitsky, Latimer & Beitman. Steve has helped expert witnesses and their attorneys prepare for deposition in a broad range of cases, including antitrust, patent, medical malpractice, wrongful death, computer forensics, and many others. He has trained the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Aviation Administration, and he has worked with numerous forensic and financial companies including Fortune 500 companies and has
worked with numerous experts to help them expand and grow their practices. Mr. Babitsky is the co-author of the texts How to Be an Effective Expert Witness at Deposition and Trial: The SEAK Guide to Testifying as an Expert Witness, How to Be a Successful Expert Witness: SEAK’s A–Z Guide to Expert Witnessing, How to Write an Expert Witness Report, and How to Market Your Expert Witness Practice Evidence-Based Practices. Attorney Babitsky is the co-developer and trainer for the “How to Be an Effective Expert Witness” seminar and has been the seminar leader since 1990 for the Annual National Expert Witness and Litigation Conference.
***The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.***
Jury instructions regarding expert witnesses in Wyoming are not readily accessible in jury instruction handbooks as jury instructions in other states are. However, case law provides insight as to what the jury is instructed in Wyoming in regard to expert witnesses. First, expert witnesses are allowed to testify as to their opinion on the [...]
Jury instructions regarding expert witnesses in Wisconsin are outlined in Wisconsin’s Jury Instructions, §1:12 instruction number 7. WIS. PRACTICE SERIES, ELEMENTS OF AN ACTION § 1:12 (2017). This rule instructs the jury that expert witnesses can testify to their opinions on the matter at hand. Id. The rule tells the jury that it is [...]
Jury instructions regarding expert witnesses in West Virginia are outlined in the Jury Instructions for Virginia and West Virginia, § 41-112. W. VA. JURY INSTR. § 41-112 (2016). This rule instructs the jury that experts have a specific area of skill that they are permitted to testify to. Id. The jury is to “consider [...]
Jury instructions regarding expert witnesses in Washington are outlined in Washington’s Pattern Jury Instructions, Civil Rule 2.10. Wash. Prac. Pattern Jury Instr. Civil 2.10 (2013). This rule is not mandatory when there is expert testimony, but if requested by a party the court should read the instruction specifically pertaining to expert witnesses. Id. The [...]
Jury instructions regarding expert witnesses in Virginia are outlined in Virginia’s Practice Jury Instructions §3:8. VA. PRAC. JURY INSTR. §3:8 (2017). These rules provide that when there is “serious conflict in the evidence” the jury must be instructed that it is responsible for determining how much weight to give each witness and which witnesses [...]
Jury instructions regarding expert witnesses in Vermont are outlined in Vermont Civil Jury Instructions § G. Vt. Civil Jury Instr. § G (2008). This rule instructs the jury that individuals with “special knowledge, training, or experience” are experts and they are permitted to testify as to their opinion on the case at hand. Id. [...]
Jury instructions regarding expert witnesses are outlined in Model Utah Jury Instructions, Rule 121. Model Utah Jury Instr. 121 (2014). This rule instructs the jury on the factors that should be considered when the jury evaluates a witness’s testimony. Id. The jury is allowed to believe or disregard an expert’s testimony given the credibility [...]
General jury instructions in Texas are outlined in Texas’s Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 226a Instructions to Jury Panel and Jury. TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE ANN. §10 (West 2017). These rules provide an overview of what the court should tell the jury regarding the evidence that is presented during trial. Id. There [...]
Jury instructions regarding expert witnesses in Tennessee are outlined in Tennessee’s Civil Pattern Jury Instructions, Rule 2.30. TENN. PRACTICE PATTERN JURY INSTR. CIVIL 2.30 (2017). This rule instructs the jury that expert witnesses are able to testify as to their opinions regarding the matter at hand. Id. The rule also provides that the jury [...]
Jury instructions in South Dakota regarding expert witnesses are not as readily outlined as those of other states. Instead, case law is more revealing of the relevant instructions to a jury regarding expert witness testimony. To begin, the reason for allowing experts to testify is to help the jury understand the case and not [...]