Expert Witness Report Writing Assistance from SEAK

Receive personalized training from SEAK, showing you how to write first-rate expert witness reports.

Your expert witness report is one of your main deliverables.  SEAK has worked individually with hundreds of experts to help them dramatically improve their report writing skills.

LOGISTICS, TIME FRAME, & COSTS/VALUE: Expert Witness report writing consults are typically delivered by SEAK via email with follow-up calls as needed to discuss. We can often work on short notice. Our fees are time- based and depend on the report’s complexity/length. Our assistance is often surprisingly affordable as our vast experience allows us to work very quickly & efficiently.

For a quote for 1-1 report writing training/assistance please click here or call Attorney Jim Mangraviti at 978-276-1234.

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Free Whitepaper:

How to Draft a Powerful, Persuasive, and Understandable Expert Witness Report
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“Jim, thank you very much for working on this critique! You are the very best. After I follow your helpful suggestions, it will get my report to a much higher level. I appreciate it!”

“Thank you so much, Jim! I learn a lot from you. You are the best.”

“Jim, Just wanted to pass along some recent feedback [from retaining counsel] and thank you again for your help. ‘We both think your report is simply excellent.  Frankly, one of the most thorough, well prepared and professional I have seen, and I have done this work for over 20 years.'”

“Kelly and Jim, Words will never express my gratitude to you two and SEAK. I wrapped up a successful trial in November, delivered a report a couple of weeks ago where the attorney wrote “this is excellent” and just got off the phone with a Client in NJ on a really large case, after receiving a report draft where he told me “I’m so … excited, you’re all over this!” Last year, we helped Clients recover almost 5mm in damages! None of this would have been possible without your training and knowledge. Thanks again!”

“I really appreciate your help, Jim and Kelly. I am feeling a lot better! The report is slimming down, streamlining and connecting much better. Saw the invoice comment. Haha. You do make me nervous in litigator mode:-). However, that’s part of what I like about learning from you. It hurts in the moment but makes me think “what if” as I am writing and getting ready for depos. I am much more prepared for the unexpected than I used to be because of your skills and SEAK. Thanks so much. Have a fantastic weekend!”

“I want to thank you again for all that I have learned from your books, seminars and consulting sessions.  While this has been extremely helpful in our expert witness work, it has been even more beneficial in helping us prepare better reports for clients.  As our reports for assessment projects can run up to 20,000 pages (a report for each of a couple hundred schools plus a variety of strategic reports), your expertise has helped us help our clients to prevent tragedies and better prepare for and recover from them.  When we have exceptionally challenging projects like the tragedy at MSD High School, being able to more accurately articulate, document and justify our opinions has been incredibly important.  Thanks again for all that you do.  I can tell you without reservation that you have helped us save lives using the knowledge you have provided.”

“Thank you for critiquing my report. It was very helpful and I have incorporated your suggestions. Using your opinion format makes my arguments much stronger.”

“Hi, Jim. Thank you for the instruction that led to this improved report.  I wish I had sought your help years ago.”

“Retaining counsel called to tell me that it was ‘one of the best, if not the best [reports]’ he had ever seen. Thanks to both of you for your extensive and kind assistance.”

“Hi Jim, Thought you would enjoy seeing praise for your student’s work!  [The Attorney] is with – a big … firm for whom I do a fair amount of reviews : 😁 ‘I have to say, your report in this case is a standout. So well-analyzed and meticulous in culling those key notes from the chart … Was very helpful to me in beefing up my internal memo for the next attorney who will be handling the litigation'”

“Hey Jim, I just want to give you some feedback since I’ve been doing my reports, now, that you helped me with. I’ve been getting great feedback from clients and actually had one new client call me that saw that report that I had done for someone else, and said what I’ve heard you say to me before, “I’ve gotta have that guy.” He literally told me “ when I saw your report I said I gotta have this guy.” And he hired me for a job. So work is picking up. I’m raising my rates. I am so happy and so thankful for you guys.”

“Jim, Remember the case you helped me with last year?  I wrote a report for the defense lawyer who settled the case highly in favor of the defense, and made the insurance company adjuster very happy. (From over $300,000 demand down to $10,000 settlement.)  Since then, Spring of last year, a couple of defense lawyers have retained me specifically mentioning this insurance adjuster’s name. Now, suddenly I’ve had this past month, 3 inquiries from defense lawyers with all 3 who mentioned the same insurance adjuster them to call me. Thank you so much!”

“Nadine, Sorry I haven’t thanked you earlier for your help (and I certainly needed your help!) writing the report on the case you helped me with. Retaining counsel and his senior partner seemed to be very happy with it. You are an amazingly skillful editor, tactful, yet still held my nose the grindstone to get me to make necessary improvements. Thanks again for your expertise and patience.”

“Jim, I hope this email finds you well.  We have worked together on an expert witness report in the past, although the last one we collaborated on was some time ago.  That case was a death case … and my report, with your help,  was instrumental in securing a settlement for the plaintiff during negotiations.   Since then, I have been involved in multiple cases and have been very busy thanks to the training I received from SEAK.  I have continued to list my services with SEAK.”

“Hello Jim, thank you for your help on this report. The defense lawyer liked it and said so in her email below…!”

“Hi Jim, [I have received feedback from my client] on the report you and I worked on. I thought you might be interested to see her comments (below). ‘It was great!! …Can’t wait to use him again.’ Thank you.”

“Jim! Wow, you are the master.  The things you pointed out are excellent.  And you caught a few more typos and errors.  Thank you very much!”

“Nadine, Thanks for your willingness to work with me on such short notice – I truly appreciate it. The improvement in the quality of my report … was directly related to your thoughtful review and detailed suggestions. I’m very glad that I contacted you and that you had the time (and patience!) to work with me. Thank you so much for your help.”

“Jim, [I received this today from a lawyer who I had showed sample reports to]: ‘your reports really are next-level fantastic. I’ve never, ever seen a medical doctor produce a report as long & thorough as the ones you emailed. And I’ve done nothing but med-mal law since 1998. One of these is a 31 page written report, not including the exhibits. Damn. I just thought I’d give you due credit. I’ll be sure to circulate your name around. “

“Nadine and Jim, Thanks again for your help. Attached is the final version [of my report]. I would like to use you all again on the next one.  You guys were tremendous. Below are the clients comments, I think he liked the report. ‘Your analysis is so incredibly rigorous, it blows me away. I feel like I’ve just read the gospel. Yet the presentation, sequencing and language is simple enough for the court to clearly understand. I can’t even imagine how the defense would ever counter your opinion. Yes, ‘like’ would be the understatement of the year. I feel emboldened to take this case to the Supreme Court if I have to!'”

“Nadine and Jim, Some comments from the defense attorney I sent this last report to yesterday. ‘Wow! I appreciate your effort. It is thorough, comprehensive, and powerful. I typically don’t see references and detail like this from experts. It is refreshing.’ Thanks for your help during the conference and in our private consultations.”

“Nadine, Just wanted to let you know that the attorney was thrilled with the report! Thanks again for all your input.”

“Hi Jim. I wanted to thank you for all your help with the report. The attorney responded with, “I received the report. VERY NICE piece of work. Thank you”. Your input helped me produce a report worthy of that comment. Thanks again, and I’ll keep you posted on the outcome. I also feel the fee was a bargain for value received.”

“Dear Jim, I have no doubt that your help and your book made all the difference in my report and as a result, all the difference in this case.  Thank you very much.  Please consider me for a testimonial for your training course on expert witness training and please forward me an invoice for your help.”

“Thank you again so much!!! It was very helpful. The lawyers were very pleased – said I should see the kind of reports they get ….and the example report they were going to give me was not nearly as good :) Thank you again”

“Hi Jim! Had a phone con with counsel for that report [which you helped me with] as well as her co-counsel. This is what they said: ‘Amazing- so good. All awesome. So good- thankful for your hard work. Doing this for many years. Never seen a better report. So thorough and well documented.’ Thanks to you!”

“Steve, finalized report with attorney(s) last evening with minimal technical changes and no pressure on opinion.  Your specific comments and recommendations to me were invaluable.  In the last section ‘experts conclusions’ I followed your advice. The lawyers thought it was terrific.  Again many thanks for your wise counsel and willingness to advise on such short notice.  Payment’s in the mail!”

“I used your services on drafting and editing a report last September in which you helped me tremendously.  Since it was my first report, I really had no idea how to even begin or proceed with it.  I wanted to let you know the case settled because of the report I wrote (thanks to you!!)!  I can not thank you enough for all of your guidance and wisdom.”

“I thought you might like to see the comments I just received from retaining counsel and co-counsel on my report that you helped me with.   They called it ‘very well done.’  Thanks again.”

“I wanted to thank you so much for the training and guidance with the report.  For my first written report, the training and feedback was extremely beneficial.  I can’t thank you enough for all of your help!”

“Your assistance in drafting my Rule 26 report was invaluable.  Counsel absolutely loved it.  I can’t thank you enough.  Your fee was the best money I have ever spent.”

“By the way, The attorney for whom I created the expert report [you assisted me with] loved my report, thanks! She had no corrections and said that it was “great”. She thinks that this will settle the case.”

“Your critique of my reports was golden.”

“Retaining counsel said based primarily on my report, all 4 cases were settled… Retaining counsel is highly pleased. Your experience and critique of my report was pivotal to this outcome. Thanks again.”

“I greatly appreciated your tremendous assistance with [writing my report]. It came out better than I could have imagined and retaining counsel was quite pleased.”

“Thank you for all your assistance and teaching.  I finished the report and emailed it out tonight. Jim, your help is invaluable.  I am now more confident of my writing and the whole process.”