On-Demand Grid – IME Training How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful IME PracticeLearn How to Supplement or Replace Your Clinical Income Performing IMEs.How to Market and Grow Your IME PracticeDramatically Increase Your IME IncomeIME Skills for Physicians: The Masters ProgramAdvanced Techniques to Produce the Highest Quality IMEsCausation of Occupational InjuriesFact or FictionHow to Excel as an Expert Witness in Workers’ Compensation CasesSpecial techniques to deal with the subtle nuances and hidden pitfalls in comp casesEvidence Based Medicine in Workers’ CompensationUse EBM for Causation, Treatment and Work RestrictionsSymptom Magnification, Deception & MalingeringLearn dozens of tests and techniques to detect deception and symptom magnificationHow to Perform an Excellent Independent Medical EvaluationLearn how to perform an IME from the founder of The American Board of IMEs By Alex Babitsky|2021-04-20T15:04:04-04:00April 20th, 2021|Comments Off on On-Demand Grid – IME Training