Testifying Training Blog

Errata Sheet Rules for Depositions in New Hampshire

Errata Sheets in New Hampshire are governed statutorily by Rule 26(f) of the New Hampshire Court Rules. N.H. REV. STAT. ANN. § 5:26 (2017). This rule states that there can be no changes made to a deposition transcript. Id. If there are any alleged errors, they shall be provided in a separate document attached [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:10:59-04:00August 17th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure, Testimony|Comments Off on Errata Sheet Rules for Depositions in New Hampshire

Law and Rules Regarding Expert Witness Sequestration in Kentucky

The sequestration of expert witnesses falls under Kentucky’s Rules of Evidence, Rule 615. KY. REV. STAT. ANN. § 6.615 (West 2017). This rule requires that the court exclude a witness from the courtroom as to not hear testimony of other witnesses upon request by a party or on the court’s own order. Id. The [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:11:07-04:00August 17th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure|Comments Off on Law and Rules Regarding Expert Witness Sequestration in Kentucky

Are Expert Witness Tax Returns and Financial Information Discoverable in Ohio?

Discovery regarding expert witnesses is governed by Ohio’s Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 26. OHIO REV. CODE ANN. § 26 (West 2017). This rule provides that if requested, parties must disclose communications between the party’s attorney and an expert witness that relate to or discuss the amount of compensation paid for the expert’s testimony. [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:11:15-04:00August 16th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure|Comments Off on Are Expert Witness Tax Returns and Financial Information Discoverable in Ohio?

Errata Sheet Rules for Depositions in Nevada

Errata Sheets in Nevada are governed statutorily by Nevada’s Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 30(e). NEV. REV. STAT. ANN. § 5-30 (West 2017). This rule requires that the deposition transcript be submitted to the witness if either the witness or one of the parties so requests before the deposition is completed. Id. [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:11:25-04:00August 16th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure, Testimony|Comments Off on Errata Sheet Rules for Depositions in Nevada

Law and Rules Regarding Expert Witness Sequestration in Kansas

The sequestration of expert witnesses falls under Kansas’s Criminal Procedure Code, Rule 22-2903. Kan. Stat. Ann. § 22-2903 (West 2017). This rule requires the court to exclude a witness from the courtroom when requested by a party or through an order of its own. Id. The trial court is given discretion as to whether [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:11:32-04:00August 16th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure|Comments Off on Law and Rules Regarding Expert Witness Sequestration in Kansas

Are Expert Witness Tax Returns and Financial Information Discoverable in North Carolina?

Discovery regarding expert witnesses is governed by North Carolina’s Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 26. N.C. GEN. STAT. ANN. § 1A-1 (West 2017). This rule requires that parties disclose, in a report, the amount to be paid to each expert that will be testifying for their cause. Id. Parties are able to request additional [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:11:41-04:00August 15th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure|Comments Off on Are Expert Witness Tax Returns and Financial Information Discoverable in North Carolina?

Errata Sheet Rules for Depositions in Nebraska

Errata Sheets in Nebraska are governed statutorily by the Rules of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals for Nebraska, §6-330(e). Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 6-330 (West 2017). This rule requires the deponent be given the opportunity to review and make changes to the deposition transcript as long as either the deponent or [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:11:51-04:00August 15th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure, Testimony|Comments Off on Errata Sheet Rules for Depositions in Nebraska

Law and Rules Regarding Expert Witness Sequestration in Iowa

The sequestration of expert witnesses falls under Iowa’s Rules of Evidence, Rule 5.615. IOWA CODE ANN. §5.615 (West 2017). This rule allows the court to exclude a witness from the courtroom as to not hear testimony of other witnesses when requested by a party or on its own order. Id. The rule has four [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:12:09-04:00August 15th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure|Comments Off on Law and Rules Regarding Expert Witness Sequestration in Iowa

Are Expert Witness Tax Returns and Financial Information Discoverable in Missouri?

Discovery regarding expert witnesses is governed by Missouri’s Supreme Court Rules, Rule 56.01. MO. ANN. STAT. § 56.01 (West 2017). This rule allows discovery into the hourly fee the expert witness charges for its services. Id. However, if financial information is being used to impeach the expert witness, the requests for discovery “must be [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:12:18-04:00August 14th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure|Comments Off on Are Expert Witness Tax Returns and Financial Information Discoverable in Missouri?

Errata Sheet Rules for Depositions in Montana

Errata Sheets in Montana are governed statutorily by Montana’s Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 30(e). MONT. CODE ANN. § 25-30-5 (West 2017). This rule requires that if requested by a party or the deponent before the completion of the deposition, the deponent must be given the opportunity to review the transcript. Id. If the [...]

By |2023-07-06T11:12:27-04:00August 14th, 2017|Blog, Expert Witness Laws/Procedure, Testimony|Comments Off on Errata Sheet Rules for Depositions in Montana
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